Why men should listen to women! Always! New study explains

Why men should listen to women! Always! New study explains

In a brand new study, it has been revealed that taking advice from a woman leads to better decision making abilities. Researchers, while conducting the study, found out that taking inputs from a woman led to better problem solving skills and is likely to cost less mistakes.

How does a woman’s POV help
The study said that when it comes to women, they tend to consider a wide range of factors, prioritize collaboration, and offer more balanced perspectives than men, which leads to heightened success.


Challenging gender roles
Interestingly, this study challenges the traditional gender roles, that see women as more emotional than logical, while men would take the more challenging decisions, both at home and at the workplace. This study also highlights the importance of a woman’s POV at home and at the workplace, and stresses that taking her advice can not only lead to long-term success, but also mental well-being and happiness.
Are you valuing the woman in your life? Here are some things to consider
Even though a lot has changed in the past few years as women have started coming out on their own, and taking on a more prominent role at the workplace, there is still a lot to be desired, when it comes to her role in the society. Men, traditionally considered to be breadwinners, often tend to negate the opinion of women in their lives. However, if you belong to the other side, here are signs that you value the woman in your life (and if not, start today!)
You take her opinion on everything: Whether it is something as small as buying groceries, or as big as a car, you take her opinion on everything. You make sure that she feels included in every aspect of your life.


If you share kids, you are one team in front of them: Often in front of kids, men tend to berate their wives, lowering her self-esteem. However, you and her are one team, in front of the kids. If you have some issues, you sort them out in private.

You go to her for financial decisions: Never mind if your wife is a homemaker, you always go to her for financial decisions, whether it is about saving or investment. While she might not go into the technical aspects of it, she will be able to guide you on how to go about it, and how much you both, as a family, should save each month.


You listen to her: Whether it is a work rant, or some issues at home, a woman just needs someone to listen at her, without offering solutions (unless specifically asked to) Women are wired different from men, and feel better after expressing themselves, so listen in carefully when she talks, and do whatever it takes to make her feel better at that point of time.

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