Rihanna & A$AP Rocky
Let The Record Reflect We’re Deeply in Love …
Valentine’s Day Hang at Courthouse!!!
Rihanna and A$AP Rocky aren’t Pleading the Fifth about their feelings for one another … showing they’re clearly in love while waiting for the verdict in his assault trial at an L.A. courthouse.
The singer and her rapper partner arrived at court Friday … readying for a long day of waiting for the jury in Rocky’s case to come to a decision.
Rocky showed up to court first … a dark blue coat over a matching suit and black and silver striped tie — looking calm and cool despite the potential 24-year sentence he’s facing.
RiRi arrived a couple hours later … decked out in an all-green ensemble with a stony expression on her face.
As we’ve told you … Rihanna’s shown up to court repeatedly to show her support for her man Rocky during his trial — rolling up in stylish outfits to watch her man fight two charges of assault with a semiautomatic weapon.
Rihanna even came to court Thursday for the beginning of closing arguments … bringing the couple’s two small children with her — a move Harvey and Charles mentioned on “TMZ Live” seems calculated.
Rocky’s trial has been full of memorable moments … from his former friend turned accuser A$AP Relli getting into it with Rocky’s defense lawyer, Joe Tacopina, to Rocky shouting out at his pal A$AP Twelvyy to not answer the prosecution’s question, there’s a whole lot to break down here.
Even earlier this morning, fireworks were still going off in the courtroom … when Tacopina and the prosecutors got into a shouting match about ethics.
Now, Rihanna and Rocky are playing the waiting game … swapping Giorgio Baldi for an L.A. courthouse on this unconventional Valentine’s.