A credit card not only allows you to use credit for making payments and buying merchandise, but it also gives a range of complimentary services alongside. Some of these services include discounts on shopping, dining and movies while other services fall in the broader theme of lifestyle.
Aside from these services, banks also offer concierge service wherein customers are offered a range of goodies which make them feel special such as restaurant referral, flower assistance, hotel referral, car rental and booking & delivery of movie tickets, among others.
There are a number of credit cards which offer these services. For instance, ICICI Bank offers Emeralde Credit Card which has these services on offer:
I. Restaurant referral and reservation
II. Flower and gift assistance
III. Hotel referral and reservation
IV. Flight referral and reservation
V. Car rental and limousine service
VI. Booking and delivery of movie tickets
VII. Medical concierge privileges
VIII. Emergency auto assistance across India
Other banks offering concierge service
HDFC Bank Diners Club Black Credit Card: It offers personalised, round-the-clock assistance for reservations, bookings, golf sessions, and other premium lifestyle support services.
Axis Bank Reserve Credit Card: There is a dedicated round-the-clock assistance for travel bookings, golf sessions, and shopping assistance.
IndusInd Bank Legend Credit Card: There is assistance with pre-trip planning, hotel and flight bookings, sports and entertainment ticket reservations, and special event arrangements.
SBI Card ELITE: There is a personalised assistance for delivering flowers and gifts, arranging holiday packages, and booking hotels and flights.
Axis Bank Olympus Credit Card: It gives eight complimentary concierge services every year, including assistance with travel, entertainment, and deliveries.
These services are meant to enhance your lifestyle by giving convenience and personalised assistance. When you choose a credit card, you should consider the fees that you are meant to pay, benefits it offers, and how well the concierge services match with your individual needs and preferences.
(Note: Using a credit card carries its own set of risks)
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