AIBE 19 result 2025 out soon: Qualifying marks revised, next steps after results

AIBE 19 result 2025 out soon: Qualifying marks revised, next steps after results

AIBE 19 Result 2025: The Bar Council of India (BCI) released the final answer key for AIBE 19 on March 6, 2025. As per the final answer key, seven questions have been withdrawn, and the answers to three questions have been revised. Due to the removal of these questions, the total marks for AIBE 19 have been reduced from 100 to 93. Consequently, the passing marks for AIBE 19 have also been adjusted accordingly.

Changes in AIBE 19 final answer key 2025

The BCI has made significant changes in the final answer key of AIBE 19 by withdrawing seven questions from the evaluation process and revising the answers to three questions. These modifications have directly impacted the total marks and the evaluation criteria for the examination.
Below is the list of questions withdrawn from each set:

Questions withdrawn
A 4, 5, 14, 25, 52, 57, 69
B 11, 27, 37, 50, 79, 80, 89
C 6, 10, 23, 52, 53, 62, 84
D 27, 28, 37, 59, 81, 85, 98

AIBE 19 Result 2025: Marking scheme

In AIBE 19, each correct answer is awarded one mark. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers or unattempted questions. This means that candidates will not lose marks for incorrect responses, ensuring a fair evaluation process. The final score is determined based on the number of correct responses out of the total 93 valid questions.

What after AIBE 19 results are declared?

Upon successfully passing the All India Bar Examination (AIBE), candidates become eligible to apply for the Certificate of Practice (CoP) issued by the Bar Council of India. This certificate is a mandatory requirement for practicing law in India.
A candidate who clears the AIBE is granted the CoP, which allows them to represent clients in tribunals, courts, and administrative bodies. Without this certification, a law graduate cannot practice as an advocate.

What is the application process to obtain CoP after AIBE 19 results are out?

To obtain the Certificate of Practice, candidates must apply through their respective State Bar Council. The specific process may vary depending on the state, but the general requirements include:

  • A copy of the AIBE scorecard or result.
  • Law degree (LLB) certificate.
  • Valid identity proof (Aadhaar card, passport, etc.).
  • Additional documents as required by the State Bar Council.

The CoP serves as official validation of a candidate’s qualification to practice law in Indian courts, including district and high courts. Without this certification, legal practice is not permitted.

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