If planets had dating profiles, disaster would be inevitable. Some would ghost before appetizers, others would overshare their entire gravitational history, and at least one would talk about
the whole time. Here’s how blind dates in the solar system would go down.
Mercury & Jupiter – The Speed Dater Meets the Long-Talker
Mercury arrives ten minutes early, downs three espressos, and starts planning a weekend getaway. Jupiter, on the other hand, takes forever to answer a question because it has
so much
to say. By the time the check arrives, Mercury is already on a flight to another city.
Venus & Mars – The Hopeless Romantic vs. the Walking Red Flag
Venus is ready for candlelit dinners and slow dancing under the stars. Mars? Mars just showed up late, forgot to make reservations, and thinks “spontaneous” means “chaotic.” Venus will
to make it work, but deep down, everyone knows this ends in dramatic texts and blocked numbers.
Earth & Saturn – The Realist vs. The One Who Just Wants to Look Good
Earth keeps talking about climate change, social responsibility, and sustainability. Saturn nods politely while adjusting its rings and checking the mirror reflection on the restaurant window. The chemistry is
, but at least Saturn looks stunning in the candlelight.
Uranus & Pluto – The Unpredictable Weirdo vs. The One with an Identity Crisis
Uranus shows up wearing something nobody understands, orders the strangest item on the menu, and asks Pluto to explain
it’s even here. Pluto starts an existential crisis mid-date. The night ends with Uranus making a bizarre exit, and Pluto questioning its entire existence.
Neptune & The Moon – The Emotional Rollercoaster
Neptune spends the whole date talking about poetry, lost love, and the meaning of dreams. The Moon? Equally moody but constantly changing. One moment it’s happy, the next it’s reminiscing about its ex (Earth). The restaurant staff is concerned, but the playlist matches their vibe perfectly.
Sun & Venus – The One That Gets Too Intense
Venus is charmed—who wouldn’t be? The Sun is warm, bright, and full of passion. But halfway through dinner, Venus realizes it’s
too hot to handle. The Sun means well, but the intensity is overwhelming. Venus quietly sneaks out before melting into regret.
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